Doctoral Candidate

Giulia Bressan


I have a Bachelor's degree in Molecular Biology and a Master's degree in Medical Biotechnologies from the University of Padua. My Master’s thesis focused on designing and developing an i-boost vaccine for colorectal cancer, targeting both the tumor and the tumor vasculature. I conducted this research at the Cancer Center Amsterdam, in the Angiogenesis Laboratory of Professor Arjan Griffioen. My work involved producing vaccine conjugated proteins and working with murine endothelial cell lines and colorectal cancer cell lines to study the role of the target protein in these systems. After completing my studies, I pursued my passion for pluripotent stem cells research and finding therapies for diseases affecting young people and children. I joined the laboratory of gene therapy at the Pediatric Research Institute (IRP) Città della Speranza in Padua, under the guidance of Professor Alessandra Biffi. In this role, I have contributed to projects involving the transplantation of mice with engineered human (or murine) hematopoietic stem cells, exploring their potential therapeutic applications for diseases like multiple sclerosis and type I diabetes.

Throughout these experiences, I understood the challenges and potentiality of the immune systems and I decided to explore my passion for advancing the field of immunology during my PhD. Hence,in April, I joined the laboratory of Professor Bodo Grimbacher at the Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency in Freiburg, focusing my research on hereditary and autoimmune diseases affecting individuals early in life, particularly Hyper-IgE and Hyper-IgE like diseases, as a starting point to discover and study new players of immune homeostasis and potential targets for new therapies.



During my Internship at the Cancer Center of Amsterdam I gained expertise in molecular biology techniques, protein production and analysis, cell culture, in vitro bioassays, data analysis, and statistics. On the other hand, the experience at Città della Speranza in Padua has provided me the opportunity to expand my expertise in pluripotent stem cells and various techniques, including the isolation and purification of hematopoietic stem cells, LV-transduction, clonogenic assays, liquid culture, droplet digital PCR and flow cytometry. Furthermore, I learned to work in vivo with mice.